Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Give Back This Holiday Season

Image From Pixabay
Tis the season! December and the holidays is a time to celebrate the spirit of giving. But who says you have to limit your gift giving to friends, families and coworkers? The holidays are also a great time to support local and national causes alike! Even better, with so many organizations to choose from, it’s easier than ever to support a cause that speaks to you personally.

At the same time, there are are so many organizations asking for help that it can be hard to decide who deserves your time and attention. To help you with this decision, we’ve listed a small handful of our own favorite local groups:

Capital Area Food Bank. The Capital Area Food Bank is on a mission to end hunger in the area. And to help do that, they distribute million of pounds of food a year! They'll be sponsoring multiple food drives with both schools and businesses during the month - and if you can’t make a planned event or if you’re too busy learn how to donate here.

Washington DC SPCA. Who doesn’t love helping adorable puppies and kittens? Our local SPCA is a wonderful group, and the perfect group to support to help ensure that local animals are given food, warmth, shelter and care during the holidays. If you’ve thought about supporting this group with your time - or even with your spare pennies! - now is the perfect time to do it! (Of course, we’d advise planning on helping these guys for more than a few weeks if you plan on volunteering with them - as any shelter staff member or volunteer will tell you, cute animals need help year-round!)

Children's National Health System Foundation. The holidays can be particularly rough for families in hospitals - and are especially heartbreaking when the patient is a child. The Children's National Health System Foundation exists to help find cures, treatment and help for families and children locally and across the globe. Any donation that you can give helps families and children fight illnesses and get them back home. Check out their website to learn how to donate.

These groups are just three examples of local organizations that are working to give back to the community this season - not to mention year-round! If these three don’t speak to your personally, though, have no fear. Thanks to websites such as, it’s easy to look up organizations that are working out of Washington DC this season. With just a few clicks, you can find a group that you’ll feel good making a difference with!

What do you think - will you donate to one of these groups? Or did we not mention an organization that you personally love to support?

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