Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Distract Yourself From Your Phone

Image From Pixabay
Today’s fast paced society can be draining. Being on the go all the time can make you forget the time before you were busy nonstop. With our faces constantly buried in our phones, tablets and laptops both at work and at home, it can distract us from the real world. Even though our phones are great connectors and open up a whole new world to us, sometimes there’s nothing that beats good old face-to-face communication and alone time. In honor of the Day of Unplugging, take a day or even just a few hours to unplug from your electronics and live in the moment.

Now that the weather has been a little kinder to us, it’s almost okay to spend tons of time outside again. Luckily, at The Louis, we have a fabulous BBQ picnic area. So even if the weather is still a little chilly, you can still hang out near the picnic area and grill up some burgers. Relaxing in the picnic area with your pals is a great way to be social without having to be attached to your phone. If all of your friends are already with you, you don’t need to stare at your phone! Hopefully, spring will be here soon so we can start to use the picnic area regularly!

One of the best ways to avoid the draw of your phone is to occupy yourself. Strike out into the city for an event! If you’re enjoying yourself and keeping busy, you’ll forget all about your phone and enjoy yourself even further. This month is the famous National Cherry Blossom Festival. This three week event from March to April is the perfect time to enjoy the scenery and stop staring at your favorite screen.

Another great way to remove yourself from the burden of technology is to take yourself outdoors! Spending time outdoors is never a waste of time. There are tons of lovely local parks in Washington DC to enjoy. The Yards Park has everything you need to distract you from your electronics. This new park features water areas, kayaking and a summer concert series. However, when going to the concert make sure you watch through your eyes instead of through your phone.

Enjoy your Day of Unplugging with some distractions to keep your mind off of the fact that your phone isn’t in front of your face.

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